The Funnest Thing Ever!

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jul 7, 2011 Under Travels

On July 3, we went to visit Susan, a friend of my mom. After arriving to Susan’s house me and Ana went and looked at the horses. There names were Lily and Silka. We really wanted to ride them. After a while me and Ana went to the field with Eric to get the horses. We got to pet the horses. When we got back to the RV Eric almost killed me in a GOOD way. He said that WE COULD RIDE LILY!!! Thank you we said over and over.

Ana riding Lily (that is Silka in the background)

He got the saddle and every thing else. Ana went first. She rode though the fireweed. Fireweed is a flower that is pink. Silka got crazy. She started bucking and running and started snorting. She had never been away from her mom. Me and Daddy watched her. Finally Ana came back. When Ana got off I was so happy. After letting Lily eat grass for a while it was my turn.

Me, Eric, and Lily

When I got up it felt good to be on a horse. We walked for a while through the fireweed and then came to the bottom of the hill. Eric asked me if I wanted to trot. I said yes. When we did it was the bounciest ride I had in a long time. Eric ran beside me. When we came to a stop I felt sad that it was over.

We thanked Eric a ton more and by the way Eric THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! After that we went inside and waited for OUR parents.

One Response to “The Funnest Thing Ever!”

  1. brynn Says:

    sounds like u had a fun ride

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