July 4: The Best Parade

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jul 7, 2011 Under Travels

On the morning of July 4 we had breakfast in Susan’s house. It was really rainy when we got out of the RV. Me and Ana went to feed the horses. We also went to check and see if there were any eggs. There were not any eggs yet. When we got inside it smelled so good. We were having pancakes! Yummy!

We went up stairs and hung on the bar that was attached to the celling. It was for exercise. It was really fun. After that we went and had the best pancakes. We had sausages and yogurt and orange juice. After that we went and got in the RV.

We drove to the parade. On the way there we stopped by Susan’s sister’s house. She had a huge garden. It was almost as big a football field. Gretchen gave us some greens. After that we went and got back in the RV. We played apples to apples when I looked out I saw these bison things. STOP! Why? There were these things like bison things. Ok they said we will go back. When we went back Susan said those things were musk ox. They were big black things that looked like bison. They had white hair on there bellies. They had these horns that were curly. After that we went back and got in in a hurry.

It's the Pig of Independence!

When we got to the parade at last I grabbed a bag for the candy. We went near the the judges and waited. After what seemed like forever the kids came riding bikes. Some were dressed up some had their bikes dressed up. Then the fire trucks came and threw candy to all us kids. There were people walking on stilts. Some people gave me and Stella beaded necklaces. There were also people that gave us radishes. Daddy loves the radishes. We all gave them to him. We looked for more but we found none. We had a ton of candy and ran and got it when we saw the chance to. We saw Smokey Bear and we saw a pig with flowers on it. We talked with each other and we got more and more candy. After the parade we headed to the picnic. The fun was not over yet!

Best homemade stilts ever!

2 Responses to “July 4: The Best Parade”

  1. brynn Says:

    stop!!! you are making me HUGRY!!!!!!!!!!

  2. brynn Says:

    that sounds AWRSOME!!!!!! i wish i was with yyou guys :'(

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