
Posted by Greta on Wednesday Jul 6, 2011 Under Travels

On July 1st at the Sourdough Campground, I finally got up the nerve to do karaoke with Stella.

They did the pancake toss, as usual, and I got SOOOO close to getting my pancake in the bucket, so I decided to go for the third try and sing a song when the performers came on to the stage. Unfortunately I didn’t throw the pancake in even on the third try, and I still had to sing. *stomps feet in aggravation*.

Then, after the toss was over, the campground’s singers, Danny Lee and Sue Jean, came up on the stage and started to perform. Oh great, I thought to myself. I knew I’d have to sing soon, so Stella and I looked through the songbook for songs that I knew and that I could actually sing well. They were mostly oldies and hardly any that I knew, so we just decided to sing a Taylor Swift song, Love Story. Her songs, in my opinion, are fun to sing, so I didn’t think it would be thAt bad. But as Sue Jean called us up to the stage, I was still a little freaked. Okay, fine, A LOT freaked. There were a lot of people, you know! So anyway we got up there, took the microphones, started to sing… and it was fun! No one laughed at us or judged us; they really appreciated the entertainment!

Karaoke Night at the campground

After that we sang three more Taylor Swift songs, and we had a great time! I’m super glad had I got over my fear and made the plunge. I’m a lot more adventurous now! 😀

2 Responses to “Karaoke”

  1. brynn Says:

    sound like u did good

  2. Dindy ( Grand Daddy Andy ) Says:

    Never be afraid to try something new !! ( a little caution sometimes doesn’t hurt though )

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