The Yukon River Campground

Posted by Stella on Saturday Jul 2, 2011 Under Travels

June 28th, after the ferry, we went to stay at a campground right across the river. There were a few down sides to it. First, there were only outhouses, not bathrooms. Second, there weren’t any hookups at all. Third, there were tons of mosquitoes.

On the playground

But there was a playground, even if it was small and there were millions of mosquitoes. And the outhouses had strawberry-scented air fresheners. My sisters and I had fun on the playground until I played so hard that the calluses on my hands started bleeding. Then we went inside, and went to bed. I slept great to wake up early in the morning and set off for the journey to Alaska.

Looking for peregrine falcons on the cliffs across the river

One Response to “The Yukon River Campground”

  1. brynn Says:

    what are hookups??????
    so what arre you going to da AFTER alaska????

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