Sourdough Campground

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jul 6, 2011 Under Travels

June 29, after leaving Chicken we drove for two more hours. We drove on gravel for some of the time and normal the rest of the time. We drove through the dead forest and through some fields too. We finally got to the campground in Tok, Alaska. Me and Ana got on our water proof shoes. Not the kind that hurt your feet but like rain boots and kens. We went out side and ran in the puddles. Ana’s pants got soaking wet. I felt real bad because the water was pretty cold. After that we looked up and saw some boys looking at us like we were crazy. After that we got pretty embarrassed so we went inside.

Me and Ana and Stella went on a walk. Great did not come because she was doing math. We went to go play a game that we play in Iowa called lather golf. You have a a ladder that has three poles on them. The top one is 1 point the second one is 2 points and the third one is 3 points. You try to get the rope with two golf balls at either end on one of the three poles. Me and Stella played for a long time.

Ladder Golf

Then we stopped to listen to the music. There was a really good guy that sang lots of songs. After that we went to go have dinner. We listened to the music while we ate. After dinner we went back to listen to the music. We all were there at different times. After that we left and Mommy read Travels with Charley. I think I fell asleep to the music. I loved the music so much.

On June 30 when we woke up Mommy came up a read with me. She read a book about the Dawson City gold rush. I asked her if it was boring and she said of course not. I read a book that Ana got for her birthday. Me and Ana went to the bathroom. When we came back we dragged Mom out of bed and told her to make pancakes. Ana helped her while I made my small scrapbook in my journal. It had pictures of animals and I write about it. Finally she was done. They were so good. I had six of them.

After that me and Ana went to go play ladder golf. Stella and Greta came out and Ana watched while me and Stella played against each other. We had to to get to 35 points and then you would win. My team was called the chickens and Stella’s was called the chicks. I won the game. After that we all played. Then it started to rain. We went back to the RV and had sandwiches with lentils which were gross and carrots and a cheese stick and a piece of taffy. After that we all did a post and then we went back outside. We played ladder golf and took a break. We talked and then a boy that we met came and we talked. After a while Greta left and we played ladder golf again.

Ana planted a fallen branch

We saw a bunny. We thought it was a snowshoe hair. After that a man came out and fed the bunny a sourdough pancake. After that I left to go get water but when I walked in the door Daddy said I had to do a post. Uhhhhh!

2 Responses to “Sourdough Campground”

  1. Bav Says:

    Excellent description of your day Ellie. Thank you!

  2. brynn Says:

    that is alot of pancakes ellie!!
    do you not like doing posts????? sonds like fun!!!

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