The Alaska Highway

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Jun 29, 2011 Under Travels

June 23rd we staying at the Yukon Continental Divide Lodge. We built our own Alaska Highway. I filled up a truck, a little one, with sand. But we pretended that it was gravel. I would lift down the see-saw and I would let the truck come on. And it would go over the see-saw. Then we would back it up onto the see-saw and it would go backwards down the see-saw. Then we would fill it up with sticks and put it on the Alaska Highway. Then we put some hay down so it wouldn’t sink. And straw. And then the final Alaska Highway was built.

Working on the Alaska Highway

Working on the Alaska Highway

It wasn’t the real Alaska Highway. It was made out of sand and the real Alaska Highway is made out of cement. Cars didn’t go on our Alaska Highway. Only the little cars could go on it that we had. For little cars it was like two miles long, but for real cars it was probably only one and half miles. The truck that we carried the sand with, it’s name was Lady.

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