The Chicken Song: A Tribute

Posted by Van on Sunday Feb 27, 2011 Under Family

Grandpa Bill taught the girls this chicken song one summer. They sang it all summer long, often as quickly as they could.

A few nights ago, many family members joined together to sing songs at Grandpa’s bedside, and someone started the chicken song. Bill, who had been speaking very little that day, suddenly burst forward with the chicken song at breakneck speed, to everyone’s surprise and delight.

Grandpa passed away Thursday morning. We shot this video of the girls singing it as a tribute to him.

11 Responses to “The Chicken Song: A Tribute”

  1. Whitney Says:

    Hello Beautiful Family! I’m sorry to hear of your Grandpa’s passing, but what a blessing and a gift that you were there with him and the whole family. My heart breaks for you, but it also rejoices, in knowing that you were there, no doubt bringing happiness and joy to his final days on this earth. You are such a special family. All our love to you, and especially to Jean. You’re in our hearts and minds.

  2. brynn Says:

    im sorry to hear that your dad died Jean. But it sounds like you are all having fun. one question:when will you continue your trip???love you alllllllllllllLLLLLL.

  3. Bobby Says:

    We miss you and love you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Jean.

  4. aunt jana Says:

    Hey guys,
    That’s such a great story. Jean, I know how much comfort you were to my mom and for us at this time last year, I hope you got to enjoy being with your father in his last days. I’m sure the girl’s brought him great joy. Take care,

  5. Grandma Says:

    I miss you so much already! Your chicken song made me smile/laugh/cry. Love you all!!!

  6. Kathy Ober Says:

    How funny. Chicken song I said to myself–chicken song? Then I played your video—laugh out loud and roll me on the floor!!!
    I remember singing it when I was at your ages…HAHAHAHAHAHAH
    Love seeing you all. Happy trails.

  7. Mrs. Pitt's class Says:

    Dear Ellie,
    We miss you so much. St. Paddie’s Day is coming up next week, and we’ll be thinking of you and wearing green (unless we want to get pinched!).

    Caroline has been asking to write to you all the time.

    Abby is standing over my shoulder as I write this, asking me to request that you write back soon.

    Julia wants to say that we’re about to go to lunch, but Mrs. Pitt’s class misses you.

    Ted is still a rascal! Harrison is now sitting at your old table, and Nyjah is sitting at your old desk.

    Hope says, “I’m still weird, and I want to say I miss you.”

    Graham says, “I’m destroying everything!”

    It’s time to go, Ellie. Enough of our nonsense!

    We hope you’re having fun.


    The Crazy, Phunky Pups

  8. Carter Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Miss you guys so much

  9. maia schne Says:

    hey…we are missing you!! i’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather, sisters. BECAUSE WE STILL ARE SISTERS. even sadie misses you guys…:( ANYWAY we miss you! im annoyed because whenever i want to sign in to comment, brynn’s information pops up and i have to erase it… :((( please update soon!!! we havent heard from you in so long! p.s. stacey and leo miss you as well. they have so much to tell you. *winks*

  10. maia schne Says:

    oh yeH… i forgot to say rotflmao video 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. Jennie and Mac Says:

    We are so sorry to hear about your Dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Everything here is fine. We miss you. Mac and Jennie

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