Walking in Dawson City

Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 1, 2011 Under Travels

On June 26 we got up and had breakfast. We got ready to go out and walk around in Dawson City. Me, Ana, and Daddy went to unhook the RV. We did that and still waited. Me and Ana looked for rocks. Then finally every one came out and we started our walk.

Dawson City still looks a lot like it did 100 years ago

First we went to see the Yukon River. Then we went to the Northwest Territories Visitor Center. We looked around and we watched a movie about the Dempster Highway. After that the lady gave us each a huge poster that had caribou on it. After that we thanked her and then we went to the Dawson City Visitor Center. We asked about horseback riding and they said there was none here. They gave us a piece of paper that told us that there was some fun stuff at the museum.

We went to the museum to learn about Dawson city. When we got there we were late for the gold digging activity. Mommy paid for our tickets and then we caught up with the rest of the group. We were met by a really nice lady who told us how to find gold. She showed us the gold that they found. It was just dust. They found it in two months. It was just a small amount of dust.

Learning how to pan for gold

After that we went to go and look in the museum. Me and Ana got bored so we ran around. Daddy got real mad. Then we went to look in the gift shop. We read some books and then Mommy came and said let’s go to the miners meeting.

When we got there there were a lot of people. Then two girls dressed up like men and a real man came out. They had picked out somebody from the crowd. They told this story that some man tried to kill them and then the other man told the same story and then the person that that tried to kill them said he was trying to scare away a bear! Who would believe him? He was trying to scare away a bear. Then they said who thinks he should be hung? About five people said yes. Then the same man said who thinks he should be a free man. More than six people said yes. After that we left to go ot and explore some more.

We went outside into a tent were we would learn about how to get to Dawson city. We came at the last part. When we got inside the tent the people let us have the their seats. We thanked them and sat down. The lady that was dressed up like a woman back way back when the gold rush gave us each a piece of homemade bread with really good jelly on it. After that they told us that the people that wanted to get here had to bring all these things on the piece of paper. There was really a lot of stuff they had to bring. All together each person had to bring a thousand pounds of stuff all the way to Dawson We looked at the list for a log time. They also told us that they had these ladder backpack things that they would have to bring up. Greta tried it on. It looked really hard to carry. They also said there were no guns allowed and if they did not have something from the list they were stranded up on the mountain. They asked us if we knew how to make sourdough. We said no. Greta read how to make sourdough. After that we said good by and thanked them.

Imagine carrying a hundred pounds on your back with this backpack

One Response to “Walking in Dawson City”

  1. Kathy Ober Says:

    Keep the stories comming. I’m addicted.
    Love Kathy

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