
Posted by Van on Tuesday Jun 21, 2011 Under Travels

At the end of our day traveling up the Icefields Parkway, we stayed at a Jasper National Park campground. The next day, June 18 (happy birthday, Brother!), we explored Jasper. Jasper was a very nice little town; it was surrounded by snow-capped mountains. And it was busy. It was full of cute, alpine houses and felt a lot like Banff, but a little less touristy.

From Jasper, we drove west to Prince George. I have never seen so much untouched, contiguous forest in all my life, as on that four hour trip. It was simply amazing. Aside from the road and the occasional rest area, there were few signs of man. No houses, no farms, no crossroads, nothing. There was one town somewhere in the middle, McBride, and even that was quietly nestled into the pine forest.

Along the way, we spotted two black bears and a fox. We stopped for lunch at a rest area. Jean made homemade egg mcmuffins, and they were wonderful! Another shout-out goes to our pal, Lori, who the kids praise for introducing them to this and so many other culinary treats.

2 Responses to “Jasper”

  1. brynn Says:

    WHERE are you guys going after canada
    by the way, 2 comments ago i was using a German computer.

  2. Greta Says:

    Hey Brynn! Dunno. Miss you TONS!!! 🙂 🙁

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