The Manure Pile

Posted by Stella on Sunday Feb 20, 2011 Under Family

Last summer (2010) we went out to our Uncle Gary and Aunt Kim’s farm. There was a photographer on the farm for Organic Valley, so we went out there with Grandma and Grandpa. The photographer was really nice. He took lots of pictures of the piggies and the cowies. We didn’t get a picture of the cows, but here is one he took of the pigs.

Piggies on the Farm

While the photographer was busy taking pictures of the pigs, Ellie, Greta, Ana and I got our picture taken on the fence in front of the manure pile. It smelled really bad but the picture turned out good.

Hanging Out by the Manure Pile

Dad says they use the manure to fertilize the crops. It’s gross! I didn’t know that all the carrots I’ve been eating are planted in stinky poop! But Dad says all the best vegetables are planted in poop.

6 Responses to “The Manure Pile”

  1. Joshua Hopkins Says:

    Well, that is discusting 

  2. Ella DeMore Says:


  3. Ella DeMore Says:

    You really had to pst that online stella

  4. lindsay lizars Says:

    That would be very odd

  5. Brynn Says:


  6. Kathy Ober Says:

    Sometimes it’s a good thing photography hasn’t advanced to the point of smell-a-picture.

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