Glacier View Campground

Posted by Greta on Thursday Jun 23, 2011 Under Travels

On June 20th, we arrived at Glacier View campground in Smithers, British Columbia. So far I like it a lot.

The campground is called Glacier View for a pretty good reason

I like it even better than yesterday’s campground. This one has a really good internet connection, a great place to run around, nice bathrooms and showers, a gift shop, a tire swing, and lots more cool stuff. The only thing is.. the mosquitoes are TERRIBLE here. Unfortunately a pine tree, which the mosquitoes picked as their favorite hideout, is directly outside the door of our camper. It’s quite annoying. 🙁

We’re about to eat lunch, which is angel hair pasta and shrimp. It smells REALLY good. Yummmmmmm.

More later!!!

2 Responses to “Glacier View Campground”

  1. brynn Says:

    that looks gorgeous!!! 🙂

  2. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Sorry I havent been very good at responding lately. The radiation treatments have been pretty strong and I’m not always real sharp. I sleep a lot but I am improving daily. My balance is improving and I am taking water therapy to get to where I can skate again. I love all of you and miss you. I hate mosquitos which is why alaska holds no attraction for me whatsoever.

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