Icefields Parkway

Posted by Ana on Tuesday Jun 21, 2011 Under Travels

June 17, we went to Sunwapta Pass. We took some pictures there. We saw this really cool mountain. It had snow on it and I imagined that I was sliding down that mountain. There was a really cool waterfall next to it, but we didn’t take a picture of it.

Crossing Sunwapta Pass. That is the North Saskatchewan River down in the valley.

At Sunwapta Pass, if a raindrop fell on my head and bounced off it could run down to either of the oceans. But not to the Pacific Ocean. If it ran to the river behind me in the picture it would go to the Atlantic Ocean, but if it went to the other side of the mountain it would go to the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is at the top of the world.

We found a really cool waterfall. It had three or four waterfallish things at the top and then joined into one waterfall. My dad also saw a big pile of snow along the side of the waterfall that we didn’t realize was there. We got our candy sticks and watched it go down. It was pouring down. Daddy says it was called Tangle Creek Falls.

Tangle Creek Falls

We left the Icefields Parkway. I was sad.

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