Shady Rest RV Park

Posted by Greta on Thursday Jun 23, 2011 Under Travels

June 19, after the drive from Prince George, (on that drive by the way, Ana saw a moose!!!) we found a nice campground called Shady Rest RV Park. It is a good rest from the drive and it IS shady, but the one problem is the mosquitoes. Otherwise it’s great. 🙂

Playing in the field

The temperature is nice, and there’s a great grassy field right in front of our RV that’s perfect for running around in. My sisters immediately went outside, and I did as soon as I finished my algebra. We ran around and got rid of some of the energy that was bottled up inside us from the long drive. It was fun.

Campground field and flowers

Now I’m inside writing this post, and it’s almost dinnertime. We’re having a pork roast and potatoes. Yum! (I hope.)

This is a nice place. I’m glad we came here. ;P

3 Responses to “Shady Rest RV Park”

  1. brynn Says:

    ALGEBRA???? is that hard???

  2. Greta Says:

    Hey Brynn! Yes, algebra is really hard, and I hate it!

  3. GrandMom Becky Says:

    I saw one time on tv that if you get bitten by a mosquito to rub the inside of a banana skin on the bite and it should help the discomfort. Please let me know if it really works?

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