Visiting Bayview, Idaho

Posted by Van on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011 Under Travels

I have spent many months working in Bayview, ID over the past 15 years, and June 7 marked my first visit just for pleasure, and the first time I have ever had the opportunity to share Bayview with my family. I have been looking forward to showing Jean and the girls around my “home away from home” for a long time, introducing them to the wonderful people I have gotten to know there over the years, hiking with them around the surrounding mountains and state park, and showing them the impressive lake, Pend Oreille.

One of the first things we did in town was take a walk to a favorite spot overlooking the lake. Whenever there was enough time, this short hike was part of my daily Bayview routine, and it was fun to share it with the girls. Next, we will catch up with special friends.

I have many, many great memories in Bayview, of the places and the people. It is so nice to have a chance to create some new memories there with my family, in this little town which has become so special to me.

One Response to “Visiting Bayview, Idaho”

  1. Holly, Carson & Sam Says:

    Congratulations for making it back for leisure… how beautiful. Shhh, did you hear that? I think I heard a moose!

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