A Bike Ride On An Old Historical Trail

Posted by Greta on Monday Jun 13, 2011 Under Travels

On the morning of June 5th, we decided to go on a bike ride. We knew it was going to be a tough, uphill ride.

We left the house and biked very downhill then very uphill for about a mile until we (Dad, Jean, Sarah, Stella, Ellie, and I) got to the trailhead, the Senator Mark O. Hatfield trailhead. Quite a mouthful, huh? 😀 We followed Lori and Ana in the van. When we reached the trailhead, we filled up our water bottles, used the restroom, and then we were off!

The trail was mostly uphill but very pretty. We had a great view of the Columbia River from the path, and we used the helmet cam to take pictures and videos while we were biking. It was really nice.

Riding the bike trail, along the Columbia River

Soon we reached some tunnels and we met Ana, Lori, Olive, and Roxanne there. Ollie was seemingly exhausted ’cause she was panting like crazy, but Roxy was still full of energy. So Stella, Ana, Sarah, and I decided to bike to the van and go home at this point, while my parents and Ellie decided to bike home.

A lookout along the trail

We drove home in the van and Lori dropped us off. Then she took the van to the bottom of the valley and picked up the biking crowd so they wouldn’t have to bike up the last steep hills. Then, once we were all home, we ate lunch. Read my next post to find out about the rest of our day!!!

2 Responses to “A Bike Ride On An Old Historical Trail”

  1. brynn Says:

    sounds like you had a nice ride
    by the way: thank you soooooooooo much for the letter, you to stella. i got it today. where should i send mine???CAN YOU EMAIL ME THe address please if there is one???? at a post office or something???
    thanks so much
    miss you and L-O-V-E love a T-O-N ton

  2. Greta Says:

    Hey Brynn; glad you liked the letter. Sorry it was so late! Yes, I will email you the address ASAP, but just know that we won’t get your letters until about a month from now. It would be best to send them in about 3 weeks. Love ya miss ya! 😛
    Greta, Sis #1

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