Lori and Sarah’s Boathouse

Posted by Greta on Sunday Jun 12, 2011 Under Travels

After the Catherine Creek and Shreiner Zoo, we went to our friends’ boathouse in The Dalles, back in Oregon. We drove up and parked, and then walked down into the marina and found their boathouse. It was REALLY nice, and was incredibly surprised to find that they had built the entire thing themselves!

Hanging out at the boathouse

We stepped inside, and we were surprised to find how much it was like a regular house. It had a kitchen, a dining table, a shower, a murphy bed, a bathroom, another small bed, some living space, and a large deck, and even many places to store things. We settled in, and then Lori got out some manicure stuff and many colors of nail polish, and we did our fingernails and toenails. I painted mine black, metallic blue, and hot pink. They look awesome. 😉

Meanwhile, the adults made lunch, soba noodles mixed with veggies and chicken. We also had fruit salad. The meal was delicious. We ate out on the deck and enjoyed ourselves.

After lunch, we plopped down on the comfy couches in the living room and played Scrabble. Jean won, obviously. She’s a beast at Scrabble, and usually the only person that can beat her is her older sister Barb. Although Dad has beat her once, he says.

We ran a few errands on the way home, and then we hung out a bit at home and then we had halibut and a mixed green salad for dinner. For dessert Lori made pumpkin pie.

It was really nice to be able to see Lori and Sarah’s boathouse!

4 Responses to “Lori and Sarah’s Boathouse”

  1. brynn Says:

    They made that THEMSELFS???????????

  2. Bav Says:

    Did you get pictures of the nails?

  3. Greta Says:

    Hi Dave! It’s Greta. Yes, we did get pictures; of our toenails. We’ll show you them some other time. 🙂

  4. GrandMom Becky Says:

    Visiting with Lori and Sarah sure looks like you all have had a wonderfull everywhere. Hope they come to Kentucky and we can meet them some time.

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