Shreiner Zoo

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Jun 12, 2011 Under Travels

June 3rd, after the Catherine Creek trail, we went to the Shreiner Zoo in Washington. Me, Stella, Daddy, and Sarah were riding in the mustang when we pulled up to the zoo. We got really excited and happy. When we first got in there we saw these marmots. We drove some more and saw some zebras. We drove farther and saw a llama on a huge boulder. Then we went farther and saw some camels. Then we saw some deer-like things and then we saw a really tall neck poking out of nowhere. Now what could that be? A giraffe, of course.

Camels, giraffes, and Mount Hood

We got closer and saw some more camels. We saw this really old camel that had foam coming out of its mouth. We asked what the stuff was and Mom said that it was spit. She also said that they like to spit. I thought the camel was going to spit on us.

This says it all about camels and spit. (Thanks to Sarah, for the great photo!)

We saw this other camel that was molting. It was so gross.

I had so much fun there. Thanks to Lori and Sarah. I had never seen a camel in real life.

5 Responses to “Shreiner Zoo”

  1. brynn Says:

    OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!
    i L-O-V-E love giraffes!!!!!!! <3

  2. Bav Says:

    Is that a picture of your dad before he shaves?

  3. Van Says:

    Har-dee-har-har, Dave. 🙂

  4. GrandMom Becky Says:

    If a Daddy camel has one hump and a Mamma camel has two humps and their son doesn’t have any…………..what did they name him?

  5. Van Says:

    Dear GrandMom Becky, we give up. What did they name him?

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