Wahclella and Multnomah Waterfalls

Posted by Ellie on Friday Jun 10, 2011 Under Travels

On June 2 we went on a hike to go and see a waterfall. When we got there we all got out except for Stella. She was not felling well. We brought Olive and Roxanne with us. Me and Greta got to walk the dogs while Ana walked along and was petting the dogs. We walked through a green forest and we walked beside a stream. We were looking for acorns. We walked for quite a long time until we came to a small waterfall where we got our picture taken and got wet.

Then we came to a place where the path went two directions, so we waited for Lori and asked her which way to go. We saw a cave. Me, Greta, and Ana went inside. We had to crawl through it.

Wahclella Falls in the Columbia River Gorge

There was a really long bridge across the stream in front of Wahclella Falls. The waterfall was coming down fast and we got a little wet from the mist. We watched the water come down for a little while, then finished the hike and went back to the van.

Then we went to see another waterfall, Multnomah Falls. I was very tired and sleepy when we got there. It was really cold. The waterfall was really tall. We saw a really cool bridge that was high up in the air in front of the falls. We were going to go up to it, but decided it was already a pretty view.

Multnomah Falls with Lori

One Response to “Wahclella and Multnomah Waterfalls”

  1. brynn Says:

    that sounds awesome!!!!!! i hope you feeel better soon if you arent allready better Stella-ell

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