Arriving in Bayview, Idaho

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011 Under Travels

June 7, we arrived in Bayview, a town my dad comes to for business. It was obvious the second we drove in that he knew the town like the back of his hand and was very proud of it.

After we settled in to our campground, Dad was eager to show us his home-away-from-home. We got down our bikes and rode to the house of Dad’s friends, Bob and Elsie. They were very nice. We saw their house and Dad chatted with them for a little while to catch up on each other’s lives.

After we said goodbye to Bob and Elsie, we got back on our bikes and rode around town. Then Dad took us to the marina and showed us all the cool boathouses and the one where he had stayed the first time he came to Bayview. We also saw an awesome one that had just been built that was huge and very complex. It’s too hard to describe so I’ll just show you a picture of it:

That is one elaborate boathouse!

Then we rode back to our campground up the big, long hill. When we got back we were exhausted.

It is good to see the place that Dad visits so often. It was great!!!

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