Catherine Creek Hike

Posted by Stella on Sunday Jun 12, 2011 Under Travels

Friday, June 3rd, we left in two cars to Catherine Creek. The one I was in…actually, I’ll say the other one first. The “other one” was a camper van. I thought it was really cool, but the car I was in was cooler. Ellie, Ana, Jean, and Lori went in the van. Dad, Sarah, Greta, and I went in the… other one. Okay, I’ll tell you now. It was an old 1960s red mustang convertible. It was so cool! But it was also so windy. I had my hair in a braid that day, but by the end it was gone. Well, it wasn’t completely gone, but about 3/4 of it was.

Everyone piled in the Mustang

We drove across the Columbia river into Washington, to a state park called Catherine Creek. It was right on the Columbia river. Ana grabbed the scooter and we started. The little sister poodles ran off ahead. But we didn’t worry because they’d always come panting back. Sometimes I ran after them a little ways, then waited for the crowd to catch up. At one point, Roxanne ran up to some strangers, who were sitting on a bench enjoying the view of the gorge, and she hopped right up onto the man’s lap! He dealt with it pretty well.

We all took turns on the scooter, and we put Lori and Sarah’s little video-camera thing on a strap around our heads. We started the video and then scootered away. It showed everything coming up ahead of us. There was one time when Greta had just put the camera on her head and was scootering away when– CRASH!!!– she wiped out in the grass. It was really funny.

Jean is riding the scooter past lots of California Poppies on the Catherine Creek trail

We had a fun time on the Catherine Creek hike. I hope we come again–with the video-camera and scooter!

One Response to “Catherine Creek Hike”

  1. brynn Says:

    That sounds HALORIOUS!!!!!!how ever you spell that11!!! 🙂

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