The Poodles

Posted by Ana on Thursday Jun 9, 2011 Under Travels

On June 1, we went to visit Mommy’s friends, Lori and Sarah. At Lori and Sarah’s, we met some poodles, Olive and Roxanne. We played with them for a while before dinner. They are very fluffy and cute. They like to lick your nose. They like to lay around sometimes, and other times they like to be up and wild. They look like little tiny miniature poodles.

With Roxanne and Olive in the Columbia River Gorge

Just like me, they are seven years old. We both can walk. We both can sit down. We both like to eat meat. But they don’t eat tuna, and I like tuna. Poodles can’t chew with their mouth closed, but I can.

I like many things about them: They are very fun, they let us hold them. Well, not Olive. Olive let me hold her for the first time on Sunday. Olive has a smooth tongue, and Roxy has a rough tongue. They like to play.

The funnest thing I have done with them is probably sit with them on my lap.

2 Responses to “The Poodles”

  1. olive and roxanne Says:

    Hi Ana,
    it’s the poodles in Hood river. What a fun write up you had about us! We sure liked you and your sisters! Sisters are fun…we are sisters too! It sure has been boring without you all playing with us and petting us, and holding us, and petting us and carrying us, and petting us. Hope you can stop in again after your trip up north or maybe we can see you in Iowa later this summer.

    Don’t forget, it’s almost your mom’s birthday. When Lori turned the big 5-0 we found it is necessary to talk (or bark) more loudly to get her attention. When they turn fifty it seems like they forget more things and like to take naps or at least go to bed earlier! When they read they need to have glasses (or shell out thousands of dollars for laser eye surgery).

    well, it is late and we don’t want Sarah and Lori to know that we use their computer, so nighty night our little compadre! until we meet again……xxoo, your poodle friends olive and roxanne.

  2. brynn Says:

    they sound AWESOME!!!! :p

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