Mendocino Campground

Posted by Ana on Tuesday May 31, 2011 Under Travels

On May 24, we went to a really fun campground that was really fun. We were there for three days. There were many flowers all over the campground.

There were azaleas all around

There were “doaks” which are goats. We named one goat Dolly and the other one Fern. We loved dolly and fern. We fed them grass. Fern had big ears and Dolly didn’t have ears.

With Fern the Doak, which is a goat.

We saw some turkey vultures that were crowding around something.

There was a big field where we played games. We played Capture the Flag. This is how you play. You get a towel. And hide the towel. And then you split into teams and dash into the other team’s side. And try to get the towel. We also played Bite Tag, where you run from Bite the Dog, who is Ellie. Ellie is always Bite.

We found a slug, a banana slug. We had never seen one ever before. It was long and yellow and fat. We went dashing to the RV because we were excited about it.

The banana slug was as big as Stella's hand

We planned a horse race called the Derby. Me, Stella, and Ellie were the horses. I wiped out in the middle of the race behind a tree where no one could see me. I was crying. Ellie came to help me and she told Greta to come, too. She also told Stella, but Stella didn’t come because she was so tired from the racing. Ellie and Greta helped me get up and Greta offered me a piggy back ride but I didn’t want one. I just walked back to the RV. I don’t think I want to play Derby again.


3 Responses to “Mendocino Campground”

  1. brynn Says:

    NO EARS!!! 🙁
    That slug is GROSS looking!

  2. Joshua Hopkins Says:

    Did the slug taste like bananas

  3. GrandMom Becky Says:

    Hope you don’t mistake a slug for a ripening banana!

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