Cute Horses

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jun 8, 2011 Under Travels

On May 31 we woke up and found out that the RV was right next to some horses. We had breakfast and then we went to go and look at the horses. They let us fed them. I came back and did some posts and then me and Stella went to go and play with the horses. I named them all. Here are some names. Sugar, Hot Coco, Blosome, Mocha, Big Red, Sanddune, Camomile, Brighty (is a mule), and there are some more but you might not want to hear them all. We fed them grass and we rubbed their bellies and we scrached their necks. After that we came and had blt bacon lettuce and tomato. We ate them fast and then we went back outside and played with them. Some of them farted real loud. We fed them for along time and then we left.

I named this beautiful horse Sugar

One Response to “Cute Horses”

  1. brynn Says:

    im sure that the horses LOVED that!! 😛

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