Playing in the Snow

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday Jun 7, 2011 Under Travels

On May 30th we went to Crater Lake. When we got there we went to go to a lookout. We wanted the sun to come out so we could see the lake. We got ready to go and see the lake. On the way there we threw snowballs at each other. It was fun to throw snowballs at the parents. The sun had come out so we could see the lake. We got our pictures taken and then me and Ana went to play in the snow. We tried to make a snowman but that failed. Then we played horses and we threw snowballs at each other.

This building is the visitor center

Then we left to go to the Lodge. When we got there I climbed up a pile of snow and broke off two icicles. One for me and one for Ana. We left our icicles outside because we did not want them to melt. When we got in the lodge we went to the fire to warm ourselves up. We read books and then we went out and played in the snow.

Can you believe how much snow there is?

We went to the visitor center, where we met a very nice Ranger who taught us how deep Crater Lake is and other stuff about the park. Dad said Ranger Darby reminded him of Uncle Will.

With Ranger Darby at Crater Lake

We played in the snow some more and then we headed back to the RV, wet, cold, and hungry. Me and Ana had a fun time playing in the snow.

3 Responses to “Playing in the Snow”

  1. brynn Says:

    ohhhh…i wish WE had snow like that!!!:)

  2. Sharon Says:

    Hey, since you are at crater lake – detour to Bend Oregan before heading to Portland. It was my favOrite town in the state. Visit Mcmilliums (think that is the name). It is an old catholic grade school converted to motel/hotel and brewery. It includes Turkish bath, and movie theatre. Each hotel room is an old class room converted and named after a teacher – complete with class room pix from years past. The chocolate chip cookies (hot) wAs a nice treat.

  3. Sharon Says:

    FYI – in your hot ATL city for the night

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