The Oregon Caves Lodge

Posted by Greta on Sunday Jun 5, 2011 Under Travels

After our wonderful tour through the cave with Heather, we decided it would be nice to check out the warm cozy lodge and get something to eat. We warmed up by the fire and then explored the gift shop. By that time we were super hungry, so we went to the lodge cafe to get lunch.

This 50's diner was great

It smelled delicious, and we sat down at a long winding counter with spindly chairs. Our waitress, Connie, was very nice and she gave us each a free cookie in honor of Ana’s birthday. We chatted with her for a bit and we learned that she used to live near Atlanta, in Tennessee. It was nice to talk to someone from the Southeast like us!

We ordered our food; I got a buffalo burger with fries and a marion berry milkshake. Marion berries are like blackberries, only sweeter. Stella got a grilled cheese sandwich on rye bread but she meant to get it on wheat, so I got to eat it since she hates rye. The food hit the spot for all of us; it was absolutely marvelous.

After lunch, we quickly went back to the visitor center. Then we left the park and drove off for our next national park!

3 Responses to “The Oregon Caves Lodge”

  1. brynn Says:

    did she weat you uffalo burger???

  2. Tricia Says:

    Just to let you know that today we have extreme heat in the twin cities today. Enjoy the cool weather. Happy birthday Ana.

  3. Greta Says:

    Hi Brynn! Did Stella eat my buffalo burger? No, I ate that ALONG with her grilled cheese sandwich. I was a hungry girl! 😛

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