Our Hike On The Trillium Falls Trail

Posted by Greta on Friday Jun 3, 2011 Under Travels

On May 28th, we took a very nice hike in the Redwood National Park. We bundled up in layers of clothing because of the cold wet weather, and we filled up our water bottles and started off on the trail.

It was on a path of dirt and leaves, so it didn’t hurt your knees to go downhill the way concrete does. We saw lots of banana slugs, massive trees, and pretty white flowers. We were under the canopy of the redwoods during the entire hike, so it was like we were walking under a shaded ceiling of green leaves and branches. We chatted along the way and got our shoes unbelievably muddy. There were also some cool hollow trees that we could climb inside.

These trees are HUGE!!!

My great grandma Erma LOVED ferns. We thought she would love to be on this hike with us since the forest floor was covered with ferns. It was really beautiful.

This ferny photo is for our great-grandmother Erma

We sang songs to entertain ourselves, and soon we reached Trillium Falls. It was a small, pretty waterfall with a bridge crossing over the creek that it flowed into. We admired it for a few minutes and then finished our hike. On the way back to the Visitor Center, we saw some elk with huge antlers.

I really liked the hike because of the beautiful scenery and towering redwoods. It is one of my favorites so far! 😛

2 Responses to “Our Hike On The Trillium Falls Trail”

  1. brynn Says:

    i would live in those so i wouldn’t have to pay tax!!!!

  2. brynn Says:

    i would live in those so i wouldn’t have to pay tax!!!!

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