Elephant Seals

Posted by Stella on Tuesday May 31, 2011 Under Travels

May 23 we went to Point Reyes National Seashore. I really liked the elephant seals.

On the way to Point Reyes we saw some harbor seals sunbathing on a sandbar. There were four or five of them laying together.

We drove out onto Point Reyes as far as we were allowed in our RV. Then we walked the rest of the way down a narrow road to a lookout over a beach, to see some elephant seals. There were about 100 pups on the beach. The pups were huge, about the size of me. The parents on the beach were about 500 pounds, but they were only 3 or 4 years old. A ranger told us that a full grown elephant seal gets up to 4000 pounds, almost as heavy as our RV, but we didn’t see any that big.

The elephant seals look like gray cucumbers lying on the beach

The difference between a sea lion and a seal is a sea lion can walk using its fins, but a seal sort of waddles along kind of like an inch worm or maybe a person with their legs and arms tied up. That was how the elephant seals moved on the beach. Whenever they moved, their blubber would shake and jiggle. They looked weird and it looked difficult for them to move.

We could hear the bulls barking. They would get all up in each others faces and bump like sumo wrestlers. Their barks sounded like someone with a low voice with a really bad, hoarse cough or something.

I wished we could see the elephant seals closer up, but the view we got was great.

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