My 7th Birthday

Posted by Ana on Saturday Jun 4, 2011 Under Travels

We went to Oregon Caves on my 7th birthday. When I woke up, Greta told me to go back to bed because she needed to make my breakfast, which was toast with Grandma’s corncob jelly, a banana, and granola cereal. There were cheerio decorations on the toast and cereal.

Enjoying my birthday breakfast in my birthday crown

In the cave we saw the ghost room. It was called the ghost room because a guy with a candle got scared when he saw the white stalagtites dancing in the candlelight.

The Oregon Caves Chateau

We had a very big lunch at the Oregon Caves Lodge, in an old diner with a long lunch counter that zig-zagged all through the room. It had spinny stools all along it. I had a hot dog, french fries, and an oreo shake.

We opened presents in the RV after the caves. I got my very own credit card on my very own birthday, so I could pick out my own skirt. I got a little ranger bear and it is very cute. It has a ranger hat.

My first gift card for a skirt

2 Responses to “My 7th Birthday”

  1. Bav Says:

    Happy Birthday Ana! You were luck to get your very own credit card to pick out your very own skirt on your very own birthday. On my birthday (May 30), Brynn washed my car.

  2. brynn Says:

    (music)happy birthday to you…
    7?? last time i saw you i thout i remembered you were 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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