The Pacific Ocean; Day 3 at Pacifica Campground

Posted by Stella on Monday May 30, 2011 Under Travels

Saturday, May 21st, after we picked up Dad from the airport and went to Bob and Ida’s, we decided to go back to Pacifica for one more night. It was the same campground that we had stayed at for two nights before, the one where we had the slot that was right at the edge of a sheer drop off into the Pacific Ocean. Remember? Well anyway, it was that campground that we stayed at, only for one night, though.

But before that, we needed to stop to let Dad and Jean check out the bikes. I’m not exactly sure why. But it didn’t matter because Ellie, Ana, Greta and I got to go play at the beach! I was soooo excited! I love, love, love going to the beach! But what I don’t like doing is looking at the nice, beautiful, blue ocean, but not being able to go. But when I heard that we got to play there, and I know I already said this, but I was really excited. Ellie and I shrieked and screamed as we tried to outrun the waves. It was probably the most fun time I’d had since… I’m not sure. Oh!!! Actually, I know exactly when! Since the last time I went to the beach! Which was, like, only five days ago!

Well, as we played, I got pretty wet. The waves were HUGE!!! ( By the way, the waves were a lot bigger than how that sounds. I just asked Jean and Dad what the limit on exclamation points was, since I had put 23, but they said the limit was 3! Can you believe it?! Well, since I wasn’t allowed to do 23 exclamation points, just know that the waves were way bigger than that. ‘Kay? Good.)

We played and had a great time, and then, sadly, we had to go to the campground.

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