Visiting Family

Posted by Ellie on Saturday May 28, 2011 Under Travels

On May 21 we went to get my dad from the airport. After that we went to visit my great Aunt Ida and Uncle Bob. When we got there, my mom and Ida started chatting away. We sat while the parents talked with Bob and Ida. Then Bob told us that we could go out and play. When we got outside, we went straight to the orange tree and the lemon tree. The oranges looked real good. Then we went to the lemon tree. Oh my gosh! They were huge. Some were as big as a grapefruit and some were even bigger than that. After that we played tag and a game were you scream for as long as you can. Greta took pictures of us jumping. We got tired and then Bob gave us each a orange from the tree. They do grow good oranges. After that we said goodbye and then we left.

With our favorite relatives in Santa Rosa, CA

3 Responses to “Visiting Family”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Some of the best fruit comes from California. Yum!
    Loveya, Dindy.

  2. Grandma Says:

    You make us hungry for GOOD oranges.. Love you

  3. brynn Says:

    I LOVE LEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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