Friends In San Francisco

Posted by Greta on Monday May 30, 2011 Under Travels

On Sunday, May 22nd, we left Pacifica in the morning and drove back to San Francisco to visit a friend of my dad’s. I’d never met her, but she sounded really cool. She was a tall, red-headed lefty, and she was an artist. I was looking forward to meeting her and her husband.

We couldn’t find her house at first and there weren’t any parking spots, so we called Kelly. Her response was, “Oh, just park right in front of our house and block the driveway!” but of course, she hadn’t seen the RV and she obviously didn’t know about the massiveness of it, so my parents thought this was hysterical. We parked in a nearby lot with a big red “NO PARKING” sign. Jean sat in the camper while we went in. Kelly and her husband, Stephen, came out and greeted us, and they still said, “Just park it here! The neighbors won’t mind!” So we did.

It was nice; they were both very nice and friendly, and so was their puppy, Trilby. They showed us around, and then we got drinks and went out to their backyard. There were lots of pretty flowers, and we were impressed when Stephen told us that he had built the entire deck himself. We chatted, or rather, the adults did (I did a little) while we sipped our drinks. I mixed lime seltzer water with cranberry juice, and it was surprisingly very good. 😛

Sadly, we had to say goodbye at some point. Hugs were given out by everyone, and lastly we showed Kelly and Stephen the inside of the RV. Then we drove off, ready for yet another day in California!

Our favorite friends in the city of San Francisco. Isn't Trilby adorable?!

I know it was a great thing for Dad to be reunited with his friends, and it was nice for me to meet some nice new friends!

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