The Cat Named Midnight

Posted by Ana on Saturday May 28, 2011 Under Travels

We went to Mary’s house. We got out of the RV, and the first thing I saw on the porch was a cat. We saw a nipple, and that means it had a baby. Mary didn’t know the cat’s name so Ellie named her Midnight.

We named this cat Midnight

Olivia is Mary’s daughter. I couldn’t wait to see Olivia, and then I finally saw her. I felt really good when I walked in. Olivia was very nice and so was her friend Chrissy. Chrissy let us help her with her homework.

3 Responses to “The Cat Named Midnight”

  1. aunt jana Says:

    just like our cat midnight!

  2. aunt jana/juliet Says:

    at our old house we found a black cat to and guess what we named him? Midnight! i saw him first. he came the day before my birthday and he was like a birthday present! i love him!

  3. brynn Says:

    at first i thought the picture said “We named this cat AT Midnight” i was like it looks like its sunny

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