Rollerblading at Mary’s ( And Olivia’s! )

Posted by Stella on Saturday May 28, 2011 Under Travels

Friday, May 20th, Ellie and Ana decided to try rollerblading. They put on their helmets and went for it. I would never have done this, but they decided, on their first try at rollerblading in their lives, that they’d go down the driveway. All the way down the driveway. They didn’t know how to brake or anything, and they didn’t have knee pads or elbow pads. They wiped out a lot on their first day rollerblading. It was fun to watch them, though, and I think it was for Greta, too. A little later that day, Greta decided to try it too. She said she had rollerbladed before, and she just needed to get used to the feeling, but she wiped out a few times when she was just getting the feel of them. Greta rollerbladed crazily on the first day, too, but started getting used to them. She could go pretty fast, and Ellie had gotten used to the feeling also. Ellie was pretty good at skating. Ana wasn’t able to go as fast as Ellie, and it was hard for her to keep her balance, but Ellie stayed back with Ana and helped her stay up straight.

Rollerblading at Mary's

Later that day, we went to Mary’s parents’ house. Before we had left, Ellie and Ana grabbed some rollerblades to take along the way. Greta saw them with them and I think she realized that it would be a lot more fun if she brought some too. So she brought some along with her. I watched them and had been watching them since the day before and they looked like they were having a great time together. So I sighed and decided that I would just have to bring some rollerblades also. I grabbed my helmet ( which I really don’t like because I’ve had it since I was four or five and I don’t understand how it still fits me, but anyway, I don’t like the pattern on it. To me, it looks like a baby pattern. It has polar-bears that are on surfboards on it. Yeah, surfboards are cool, but polar-bears? To add to all that, they’re cartoon polar-bears. And the surfboards have boring designs on them. ) and brought it and the rollerblades to the car.

We arrived. We all went inside and met Mary’s parents, then after a few minutes, Greta, Ana, Ellie, Olivia, and I were allowed to go outside and play on the skates. My sisters and I tried out our skates, and Olivia helped us and walked along with us when we skated around the block. It was fun and I was really careful about starting out without any knee or elbow pads, and I was surprised to find out that rollerblading was just a little bit harder version of plain old skating. It was a lot like ice-skating. And it was a lot of fun.

Finally we had to leave, and by then I had gotten really good at rollerblading. When we got back to Mary and Olivia’s house, we all skated until we had to go to bed.

The next morning, the day that we had to leave and pick up Dad from the airport so we could continue our trip, Saturday, May 21st, we planned to leave around 11:00 am. We ate breakfast and then rollerbladed for the rest of the time that we had at Mary and Olivia’s house before we had to leave.

Then we had to leave, which was sad, but we got to pick up Dad. We had a lot of fun rollerblading.

3 Responses to “Rollerblading at Mary’s ( And Olivia’s! )”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Polar Bears or whatever, wear your helmets and don’t take chances!!! Wear your pads too!
    Love, Dindy.

  2. brynn Says:

    you piked up your dad on my birthday111!!!!!

  3. Thalia Says:

    sounds like it was a lot of fun!!:) miss you!!!

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