Picking Up Mommy

Posted by Ellie on Thursday May 26, 2011 Under Travels

May 16. This morning we went to go get my mom at the airport. First we went to get our toilet fixed. When we got there we went to tell the people that we were ready for our toilet. They came and put the toilet in the RV. After that we went to a book store. We had sandwiches and then we went inside to get my mom’s book. We went to the kid’s room and read books. Back at the RV, we made mackaroiny and cheese. It was good. After that Daddy read us To Kill A Mockingbird. After that we drove to the airport. We drove up to the place where Mommy was supposed to be but she was not there. We keep driving until we saw Mommy. We all ran to the door and hugged her and then they made us go to bed. I’m glad we have Mommy back with us.

One Response to “Picking Up Mommy”

  1. Grandma Says:

    I love your adventures. Rollerblading, sea lions, rollerblading and on and on. Today I am reading “To Kill a Mocking Bird,” this months requirement for Book Club. G’ma

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