
Posted by Stella on Wednesday May 25, 2011 Under Travels

May 15th, after the Adventure Playground, my dad’s friend, Perry (who was awesome, by the way), gave us a big surprise.

Well, anyway, here’s the story. So, as we were walking back from the Adventure Playground, us sisters chatted with Perry’s son, Owen. He’s in third grade (like Ellie), he was really cool, and he was really smart, too. He had shown us around his house, which is a boat, by the way, and he introduced me, Ellie, Ana, and Greta to his two cats, and what he called his “evil bunny”. The bunny didn’t seem very evil to me, but whatever. Owen knows much better than me.

So, we walked back to the RV, and chatted with Owen, and along the way, I picked a couple pieces of dill off the bushes and snacked on it. It was good; it tasted like licorice. Yum… So anyway, we made it back to the parking lot. I wasn’t sure what we would have done besides that, but Perry led us to a Coast Guard trailer. He opened it up and rolled out… Coastie!

Coastie's Uncle is a Cutter

Coastie was weird. I could only guess what it was, and I just guessed a little model for Perry’s work, but I was completely off. Coastie rolled around on wheels, and Perry used a remote control thing to make it go places. Greta had headphones with a mouth-piece and whenever she talked, the Coastie thing would say exactly what she was saying, but in a much higher voice. Owen also made Coastie talk, and Coastie told us about himself.

We had a lot of fun with Coastie that day. We’ll have more tomorrow!

2 Responses to “Coastie!”

  1. Tricia Says:

    I never thought of dill as tasting like licorice. I like licorice especially taffy.

  2. Thalia Says:

    Cool coastie sounds really fun and cool!!

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