
Posted by Ellie on Friday May 27, 2011 Under Travels

Today, May 17th, while walking along Fisherman’s Wharf we walked into a great store. It has a whole bunch of magnets and the great part was that there were also stuffed animals. I had been wanting to buy a souvenier stuffed animal the whole trip. I looked down and saw the cutest sea lion. He looked just like the ones we had just seen laying around on Pier 39. And guess what! The sea lion wore a scarf that read “Pier 39 San Francisco”. I loved him immediately. I rushed up to my mom and said, “Can I please get him?” My mom (as usual) said she would think about it. Usually when she says that it puts me in a grumpy mood. Then we went to pick out a magnet that has the Golden Gate bridge on it. We got it and went to the cash register. My mind leaped and I asked “Can I get it?” Then I took a deep breath and my mom said, “Yes.” I hugged her so tight and I told her she was the best in the world. After buying Celia we left to explore more of San Francisco.

Me and Celia

2 Responses to “Celia”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    You have the best Mom !!
    And, wow! Look at all those badges!

  2. brynn Says:

    Celia is really cute!!
    how many badges do you guys have???

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