Fresh Taffy in San Francisco

Posted by Ellie on Friday May 27, 2011 Under Travels

As we got off the trolly we walked down several streets. Suddenly Daddy stopped in front of one of the stores. We looked in the window we saw barrels and barrels of saltwater taffy. Our parents suggested we go in and get some taffy. We were so happy we started yelling. Once inside, my parents got a basket to fill up. We each got to pick 12 different pieces of taffy. I looked around and saw lots of kinds of taffy. I wanted to taste all of them! Then Ana said, “Look what I got!”. She and Stella had been given a piece to try. Stella was nice and shared her’s with me. So far my favorite flavor has been the vanilla that my mom picked out.

2 Responses to “Fresh Taffy in San Francisco”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Can’t beat plain old vanilla.

  2. Tricia Says:

    I like peppermint.

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