Adventure Playground

Posted by Ana on Wednesday May 25, 2011 Under Travels

On May 15, we went to Adventure Playground, a playground that was built and keeps being rebuilt by kids, in Berkeley. It was very fun. I built a fort with Owen. Greta helped us paint and I got paint all over my winter coat. It’s OK though because Perry said it will wash out. And then we climbed through a spider web thing and I got stuck. And then we left and went down to the beach and built sandcastles. After that we went and had pizza. We had cheese and sausage pizza. It was really good.

In the nets at Adventure Playground

2 Responses to “Adventure Playground”

  1. Bav Says:

    Ana, if you got caught in a spider’s web, does that make you a spider?

  2. Grandma Says:

    I am so happy you were released from that spider web. Be careful! We want all to come home to Lansing in a few weeks.

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