Driving Down Hwy One to Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay

Posted by Greta on Friday May 20, 2011 Under Travels

Thursday, May 12, we drove down Highway 1 from San Francisco to our campground 3 hours away in Monterey. We drove through many cool towns, but the big cool one was Santa Cruz. It had a really cool boardwalk with a bunch of rides, including a big white roller coaster. I really wanted to ride it but we had to keep moving to get to our campground. I loved seeing the Pacific Ocean, the palm trees, and all the people as we were cruising through the towns.

Cliffs, beaches, and Ana along Hwy 1

Beautiful flowers, amazing turquoise water, and a cold wind along Hwy 1

After a great ride through California, we arrived in Monterey. It was a pretty little town full of old buildings. It was right along the Pacific. Our campground was at a fairground, not being used at the time but it was still cool.

One Response to “Driving Down Hwy One to Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    The Monterey Peninsula is a really beautiful place, but is best in summer when it’s warm!
    Love, Dindy.

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