Monterey, CA and Cannery Row

Posted by Ellie on Saturday May 21, 2011 Under Travels

On May 13 we drove from the stables to the Monterey town were we hopped out and took a walk.

Our campground in Monterey was next to some horse stables. All the stable doors looked like this.

First we went to a barber shop to get Daddy a hair cut. We read some books and then Daddy’s hair cut finally ended so we could move on. When we got outside it was so cold. We walked to the Cannery Row. We were so hungry. I saw a sight that made me go crazy. Cinnamon buns! Warm, hot, steamy on a cold, freezing day. We could smell them.

On Cannery Row with John Steinbeck, who is wearing a very fancy hat.

We keep on walking and got our pictures taken and then went back to the RV and had lunch. We were having tuna salad and chicken salad. I do not like either. Daddy made me have both. I got real mad. Then he made me a hummus sandwich. After that we left. I had a great time but a cold time.

2 Responses to “Monterey, CA and Cannery Row”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Whats wrong with tuna and chicken salad?
    Love, Dindy.

  2. Ellie Says:

    Hi Granddad! I hate fish and that’s why i hate tuna, and the chicken salad is too strong.

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