Driving to Big Sur

Posted by Ellie on Sunday May 22, 2011 Under Travels

On May 13th we drove down highway 1 along the ocean. Most of the time we saw the ocean but sometimes we saw hills. At one point we saw that part of the ocean was very light blue. Greta said she thought some one had poured a lot of coolade in the ocean. Daddy told Ana that she worked really hard to get her pictures taken in that strong wind.

We drove until we came to a stop for construction where the road had crumbled away. We waited for a long time. Then we moved about a foot. We just sat there. I went back to Ana’s bed and read a book. I read for a minute and then we started moving. Then we stopped again. We waited for a while and then we finely got on our way.

Along Highway One, near Big Sur

We saw huge rocks in the water. We drove to Big Sur. When we got there we saw huge cliffs. Then we turned around and headed back. We got to Santa Cruz. We drove to our campground. When we got out, Daddy showed us how to hook up the RV. Then we went inside and made dinner. I made Ana’s bed for an early birthday gift. We had these pasta things and had ice cream after that. Then Daddy read some of To Kill a Mockingbird to us. After that we went to bed. At one point a bird woke me up. Then I went back asleep.

2 Responses to “Driving to Big Sur”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Was it a mocking bird that woke you up?
    Love, Dindy.

  2. Ellie Says:

    No I wish it was. Daddy says their song is so pretty. The bird that woke me up was so loud and noisy.

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