Driving Around in San Francisco

Posted by Stella on Wednesday May 18, 2011 Under Travels

May 12th, I sat up front with Dad. Jean was gone again so I got to spend more alone time with Dad. Except Ana kept staring over my shoulder. I think she was trying to look at Dad’s phone, which is what I was holding. Dad had asked me to navigate him around the city of San Francisco, and the best navigation system was his phone. Well, Ana just kept staring over my shoulder and it got really annoying. I decided she was trying to stare at the phone because that’s what she does when there’s an electronic device around. She, for some reason, thinks electronics are extremely interesting, which is really strange, because she types on the computer almost every day to do posts, and it’s ESPECIALLY odd that she’d think Dad’s phone was interesting because all it is is a little blue dot that slowly moves down a long purple line… pretty boring. Well anyway, her eyes just stayed glued, and I decided I would have to deal with it. Oh well.

So we drove down the confusing little streets, and when earlier, Dad told us San Francisco was EXTREMELY hilly, I had just thought, ookay…? Every place has hills… But now that I was there, I knew EXACTLY what he meant. Man, that place was hilly… When Dad had said hilly, he’d meant it. We didn’t get any pictures of any of the hills, but… oh, man, I’ll just have to tell you.

We were driving down a not-too-steep hill, although when we had come up on it, I had barely been able to see the bottom, or at ALL where the road went because it was so steep, but still, it was one of the more level roads. That’s crazy, isn’t it? But that’s not the story I’m gonna tell. And for what I’m about to write, please understand that I mean exactly what I say, got it? Alright, here I go…

Okay, so we drove down the not-too-steep hill, and by now I was getting pretty freaked. We had gone up and down horrifying roads and– we got to the bottom of this hill. I sighed, and kind of relaxed. But when I realized what we were gonna have to do… oooh, should I tell you? Maybe I shouldn’t. Okay, The End. No, I’m joking. Alright, here’s the ACTUAL story with no pauses or fake The Ends. Here it is.

When I realized what we were gonna have to do, I tensed up again. ( Hey! Maybe that’s why my neck was hurting a few days after!) Hahaha! Just joking! Okay, so when we got down to the intersection, I was – was – horrified!!! To the left was a hill that went almost STRAIGHT up. I decided we were NOT going on that one… I looked to the right. It was pretty flat, but that was exactly the OPPOSITE of the way we were supposed to be going. Then I looked in front of us, because that was the way we were supposed to go. But I looked and… there was nothing there! Oh wait, maybe there was! Oh, great, there WAS! Oh, no! It was awful! Holy guacamole! Okay, I’ll be quiet now. So anyway, the road in front of us was the steepest I’d seen in the WHOLE TOWN!!! The reason why I said there wasn’t anything there was because it was so incredibly steep that I just couldn’t see anything! To me, it actually looked like the road just ended there. And then I couldn’t believe what was happening. Dad started to drive toward it!!! “Dad, no!” I said it quietly so he wasn’t really listening. I was sooo relieved when a tour bus came from the right. The driver started giving Dad signals that said, Noooo!!! Back up and go left!! Dad asked the two teenage girls standing on the sidewalk if he was clear behind him. They said yes and told him he was fine. So he started backing up. (Hey! Who says he needs to listen to a bus driver and two teenage girls but not his own daughter! Not fair!) So we went to the left ( which was the hill that went straight up, which is a little better than straight down but was horrifying anyway) and we went to look at the Golden Gate Bridge. We did and it was really cool. Dad said it was hung by the red suspension cords on it and that it was the biggest suspension bridge in the U.S.A., maybe even the world. We didn’t go over it yet, we’re saving it for when Jean gets back, but it was pretty cool just to see it, and I’m looking forward to going on it. But for then, we’d just have to enjoy the view. So that was my story. Did you like it? You’ll have to comment to let me know how you feel, and I would also like to know if you have stories about steep hills or anything like that. I’d love to hear them!

2 Responses to “Driving Around in San Francisco”

  1. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    Good stories. I have driven all of SF’s hills but not in an RV and I am thinking that that takes a lot of nerve and that is why they have the cable cars. They can go sraight up and those steep hills! So GMB and I have learned to park at the top and ride the cable cars.
    About Ana, hypnotism is probably involved with the moving blue light. There is an Opus cartoon that I and I think your dad liked about reading over your shoulder and how you can deal with it! Ask him if he remembers it. It might also be calvin & hobbs. Love, Dindy.

  2. Tricia Says:

    I think you should redo the route but on bikes! That would be exciting.

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