Noisy Airplanes

Posted by Ellie on Monday May 16, 2011 Under Travels

On May 11th we drove Mommy to the airport. We got there at night and I was fast asleep. All of a sudden, a huge noise woke me up. Be quiet, I thought. I was so, so, so mad at that airplane. Then I fell fast asleep. Guess what happened! Another dumb airplane woke me up again. I was fast asleep when uhhh there were so many airplanes. I don’t think you will want to hear me telling you the same thing over and over again.

Noisy airplanes are not good

In the morning my mom got packed up and left. I cried and then Daddy came and cheered me up a little and I hopped out of bed and ate breakfast. Stella helped Daddy navigate us to a place were we got our oil changed. When we got there they made us get out and go to the waiting room. Greta brought Uno so we played a couple of rounds and then they told us that the RV was ready. After that we went to San Francisco.

3 Responses to “Noisy Airplanes”

  1. Sharon Says:

    Hi Ellie. Sorry those planes were so noisy. The noise will be more exciting when you hear the plane arriving with your Mom. How long are you going to be in SFO? What do you think about Alcatraz? Not as nice as your RV in my opinion.

  2. GrandDaddyAndy Says:

    Tell your Daddy not to park under runway approaches. Love, GDA

  3. Grand Mom Becky Says:

    Hope you WON at UNO!

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