The Pacific Ocean

Posted by Stella on Sunday May 15, 2011 Under Travels

May 9, we came into San Francisco. As we kept driving down the street, the Pacific Ocean came into view. It was bluish green and really, really big. It was so big that when I looked out on it I could see the curve of the earth, and when it seemed that the ocean ended I couldn’t tell the ocean from the sky. I could hear the waves crashing into the sandy shoreline, even through the windows.

We drove along the beach for a couple minutes, then pulled into a parking lot to go check it out. When I got out, (and I was first AGAIN!) I was kinda cold because I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and flip-flops, but I had purposely worn Summer clothing. I wore such little clothing so I would get such little clothing wet. I was planning to splash around and play in the enormous waves for a while. When I stepped onto the warm black sand, I slipped my shoes off and bolted for the green-blue waters. Ellie, Greta, Ana and I played, “outrun the waves” while Jean and Dad watched from far back. Once, Jean stepped up too close and the waves drenched her ankles and feet before she could even try to outrun it.

My sisters and I kept having a blast. We would try to jump up onto this big, long pole that went out into the water before the water could snatch us in. Greta decided she’d start taking pictures so she told us to line up on the pole, and when a big wave came, to jump in. She got ready to take a picture and then a huge wave came. I was about to jump in but when I saw what happened to Ana after she jumped in, I decided I’d better not. Ana had jumped in and fallen over onto her side. Here’s the picture Greta took when Ana was in mid-air. Doesn’t it look pretty cool, though?

Our first encounter with the Pacific Ocean. It took us almost three months to get here!

She wasn’t hurt, just soaked, but Jean and Dad said we had to go back to the RV. What a ruin of fun.

The view from our RV

That night we found a campground, and it’s the one I’m at now. It’s pretty much an extremely nice parking lot, (with really nice bathrooms) and our slot that we’re supposed to be spending two nights in is about ten feet from the edge of a drop-off. There’s a sign right in front of the RV that I’ll write for you: WARNING!!!!! SHARP DROP-OFF SUBJECT TO EROSION! PROHIBITED AREA! San Francisco RV Resort. Isn’t that kind of a severe sign? I’d think so.

Sunset on the Pacific Ocean

Anyway, we had a lot of fun at the beach. I really hope we can go again!

2 Responses to “The Pacific Ocean”

  1. Sharon Says:

    Stella, you and your sisters are great story tellers. Love the pix of you and sisters jumping into the Pacific ocean. What fun! Gretta is quiet the photographer.

  2. Grand Mom Becky Says:

    Love the pictures,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that is what I call a big pipe! Don;t you think the ocean was worth the 3 month wait!

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