Yosemite: Day 2

Posted by Ellie on Friday May 13, 2011 Under Travels

On May 8th we woke up and it was Mothers’ Day. Happy Mothers’ Day, Mommy. I love you so much.

When I got out of bed I got paper, markers, and color pencils. I wrote a card. Then we went for a walk into Yosemite Village. We went to the Yosemite Cemetery and we searched for some people that we needed to find out some things about them for our junior ranger badges. It was so boring. We went to Caleb Clarke’s grave and saw that he had planted giant sequoia trees around his own grave. We also learned that there were two girls that were best friends. There names were Florence and Effie. Florence died at age 17 and Effie died at age 14. They died a month apart.

After that we went to the to the Curry Village to go get breakfast. When we got there we asked a lady where the buffet was and she said it was closed so we went to the store and got bread and milk. Then we went back to the RV and made french toast.

After that we got out and went on a walk back to Yosemite Village. Daddy did not come on the walk with us, he stayed home. We went to the store and got Stella two bear key chains and got Ana a pencil case. We went to the museum.

Ana and John Muir. Dad says they are contemplating the Sierras, but I think Ana is just posing for the picture.

One Response to “Yosemite: Day 2”

  1. GrandDaddyAndy Says:

    Ana looks like she is contemplating French Toast. Love, GDA

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