The Salt River in Death Valley

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday May 10, 2011 Under Travels

On May 3rd we finished our Death Valley junior ranger packets. When we got to the Visitor Center, we went to a table and looked at an album that taught you about the park. We had to look for a nocturnal animal. Guess what? I got a Badger. Don’t you think they are not nocturnal?

We turned in our junior ranger packets. Ranger Mike did our packets and our pledge. He was so nice.

Us with Ranger Mike

We went to the Salt River to see pupfish. When we got there we were all so hot. My dad and Ana and Greta left and me and Mommy and Stella stayed and locked up the RV. Then we came and saw minnows which were actually pupfish. We walked up to Daddy and said look at the pupfish. I thought they were so cute. We saw males chasing each other around and around. I told Daddy that I wanted one as a pet because they were cute.

Watching pupfish at the Salt River

After that we left Death Valley. I had fun but I hated the hotness.

One Response to “The Salt River in Death Valley”

  1. GrandDaddyAndy Says:

    Don’t you think that air-conditioning is a big energy-waster? I’ll bet Dad wouldn’t turn it on in the RV. Not even in D-E-A-T-H ( get it – death – ) Valley !
    Love, GDA……….PS: another word for hotness is “heat”.

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