Visiting Family in Merced

Posted by Van on Sunday May 15, 2011 Under Family, Travels

On May 8th we left Yosemite and headed west to Merced, CA to visit some of our favorite relatives. It had been several years since I had seen Mike, Judy, Rebecca, and Pam, and it was great to see them again, to introduce them to our family members they had not met yet (and vice versa), and to get the chance to catch up. I had forgotten what a beautiful place they have, nestled below the Sierras. Ellie was very excited to discover that they have horses. Ana was very excited to pet the very friendly neighborhood cat.

Our favorite relatives in Merced, CA

One Response to “Visiting Family in Merced”

  1. Sharon Says:

    Yosemite – yo so mites is what my friend jokingly called it as it is were she discovered she had been infected by bed bugs and scabies. A stunning park and glad you had a different experience.

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