Providence Canyon

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Feb 9, 2011 Under Travels

On Monday, we went to Providence Canyon State Park in South Georgia. I had never been there before. We went there and hiked. First we packed lunch into my mom’s big backpack. We meant to pack cheese, meat, and bread. Ana carried our lunch on her back all the way down into the canyon.

Ana is carrying our lunch

On the way down to the canyon floor, me, Greta, and Stella all got our feet stuck in the mud. It was mushy.

Me and Greta touched something squishy in the mud and asked what it was. Dad told us it was animal poop. We yelled.

The canyon walls are sedimentary rock.

The canyon had a lot of sedimentary rock in it. I have been learning about that in Ms. Pitt’s class this year. I saw layers in the canyon walls. I saw how lots of sediment got hardened and turned into rock.

My favorite thing in the canyon was the purple sand. We had so much fun.

3 Responses to “Providence Canyon”

  1. Greta Says:

    I loved the purple sand, too! The poo was gross!!!

  2. abby feagans Says:

    ms.pitt would be proud to know your still learning about rocks and you get to see it in person hope your having fun !!!!!

  3. brynn Says:

    purple sand sounds awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    but yah, poo dose sound grose!!!!

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