Entering The Grand Staircase

Posted by Van on Tuesday May 3, 2011 Under Travels

We drove through a very nice little town called Boulder, and then down into the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, headed for Calf Creek Canyon where we would hike the next morning. The road down was basically a controlled fall out of the sky, weaving down the top of a thin ridge between two canyons. The views on both sides were stunning.

When we reached the mouth of the Calf Creek Canyon, we were informed that we could not stay overnight at the trailhead campground, and the nearest place to camp for us was eight miles back up the road, on top of the ridge. Sigh.

So we turned around and drove back up the 14% grade to camp at the top. The bright side of this story is that we got to experience the beautiful views all over again the next morning, driving down the ridge into the canyon a second time.

Looking down into Calf Creek Canyon from the ridge above

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