A Ride to the Top of the Bridge

Posted by Ana on Monday Feb 14, 2011

We went on a bike ride in the bayou and we were going to the post office in Ocean Springs. We did not find the post office.

Me on top of the Biloxi Bay Bridge

Then we rode further to the Biloxi Bay Bridge. It was very tall and scary. I thought I was going to fall off the bridge but there was a ramp so no one could fall off the bridge. I made it up the hill without stopping. We stopped at the top of the bridge. I saw the water. And then we went down. We did not go all the way across the bridge to Biloxi because we did not want to go back up the hill for no reason. Because it was so tiring. My legs hurt once I went up the hill.

It was fun to ride down the hill.

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Biking to Biloxi

Posted by Ellie on Monday Feb 14, 2011

Thursday we drove to Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We stayed at a campground in the Davis Bayou. The campground was nice but it was cold at night because it was 28 degrees at night and we left a ceiling vent open by mistake.

On Friday we went on a huge bike ride to Biloxi, MS. My dad made two wrong turns on our way there. On the way, we went by the ocean and stopped at the beach.

My Family on the Beach in Mississippi

From the beach we rode into town. On my left I saw the ocean. On my right I saw huge houses with huge lawns. I heard birds chirping. I thought they sounded really pretty. In the town, we saw a candy shop that my dad made us stand right in front of it waiting for our family to catch up. We got sort of annoyed with our dad because he tempted us so much to go in and eat all that candy. It was the worst moment of my life.

We went to the post office and realized that it wasn’t there, so we decided to go over the Biloxi Bay Bridge.

The Biloxi Bay Bridge

We were following my dad up the bridge, but somehow Greta got past him and I followed her all the way down the bridge. In the middle of the bridge, I saw my dad coming down. I stopped for about a minute then kept on biking. At the bottom of the bridge me and Greta waited for about 15 minutes until my dad came and told us that everyone was waiting for us at the top of the bridge. We followed him all the way back up the bridge. It was really tiring and my legs hurt. Near the middle of the bridge, me and my dad saw a real life pelican. It was floating in the water almost under the bridge when I spotted it. It was my first time seeing a pelican.

At the top of the bridge

When we finally caught up to my mom and sisters, my mom took me, Greta, Stella, and Ana down to the beach while my dad went to the candy shop and got Stella and Ana a praline. Me and Greta did not get as much as Stella and Ana because they didn’t go all the way to Biloxi like we did (because we were not supposed to go ahead without checking with our parents). Me and Greta ended up getting a small piece of praline thanks to my parents. It tasted like heaven.

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Destin, FL

Posted by Stella on Friday Feb 11, 2011

Tuesday night we arrived at a campground in Destin, Florida. We stayed for two nights. The campground was really nice: the bathrooms were nice and clean and the water was heated.

We played freeze tag with lots of different rules. Like, blind (with our eyes closed), and “cake” which was only on the concrete, and “ice cream” which was only on the grass, and “puppet” which was when we pretended we were wooden and our limbs couldn’t move. There was also one where we could only run in one circle. We could change directions but couldn’t go out of the circle.

It was scary one time when we were playing freeze tag peacefully and suddenly there was the sound of a cat being tortured. It was a really loud meow that was a cat either scared horribly or it was chasing a mouse or someone shot it. But we saw it run off and go off under the porch of a house, so it was okay.

The bathroom light had a timer. After an hour it would shut off. When it shut off, you could turn it back on but it would shut off after an hour again. So one time I went in to take a shower and the light was on. I didn’t think about it shutting off. In the middle of my shower it flicked off and it was really, really dark for the rest of my shower.

I slept really well both nights at the campground.

Biking along the Gulf of Mexico

I outgrew my old bike, so, before we left Atlanta, I got a bigger bike. It has gears. This is my first bike with gears.

On Wednesday, we went on a ten mile bike ride along the Gulf of Mexico. It was on a very flat bike trail, which was nice because I got to test out my gears. We went five miles one way to run some errands, and on the way back we ate dinner at a restaurant. The first five miles were easy because the wind was blowing us forward. The way back was harder though. The wind was blowing us backward. It was not very hard for me though because I used my gears. It would have been way harder on my old bike and I felt really bad for Ellie because she was riding my old bike.

We ate dinner at a restaurant called Pompano Joe’s. I had fried shrimp with french fries, and it was delicious. Except for the back vein wasn’t taken out of the shrimp and it kind of grossed me out but it tasted great anyway.

We ate dinner here

After dinner it was really dark and raining a little and we had to ride two miles or so back to the campground. On the way we passed by palm trees lining the road. They had lights twisted up to the leaves, so they looked like pretty glowing candy canes.

We passed by about six sprinklers rotating in a yard. Me, Ellie, Ana, Greta, and Jean got lucky. Every single sprinkler was pointed away from us when we rode through. But my Dad was trailing behind at the wrong time. The sprinklers got him good.

Thursday morning, we left the campground to go to our next stop: the bayou.

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In Eufaula, Alabama

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Feb 9, 2011

Monday night, we slept at a campsite in Eufaula, Alabama. The campground was very easy to tell where our camper was. Greta was the one that knew the way around the campground that we slept in and never got lost. Some dogs were chasing us when we rode our bikes by them. That was scary. A wiener dog got loose and started following me. I crashed into Stella and fell down and the dog caught up. It came over to me and then it ran off, over by our camper.

One time Stella went into the bathroom and there was a wasp. It was on the floor. So she went into another stall. The next day she met up with the wasp again.

The next day we rode our bikes into town.

Big White House

Then we stopped at a big white house that looks like the white house that the president lives in.

Yummy BBQ Place

We rode to a BBQ place for lunch. The BBQ was so good I felt like I could get 100 of those BBQ sandwiches.

Then we biked down the hill back to the campground. I was scared of the big trucks. I ran into a pole on a bridge. I also crashed into Stella at the bottom of the hill. Mama taught me how to go across the train tracks without turning your handlebars, because if you turn your handlebars you might get stuck and a train might come and run you over. And then we arrived at the campsite, and then we got in the camper and drove away. We are going to Florida.

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On The Floor of Providence Canyon

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Feb 9, 2011

We hiked into Providence Canyon, on the border of Georgia and Alabama. Down at the bottom of the canyon, there were old creekbeds, which, unfortunately, were mostly mud.

Dad standing in the creekbed

It was SO cool at the very bottom, because you could look up into the little nooks in the rocks and see tree roots and slabs of purple rock and purple sand.

Ellie exploring down in the mud

Ellie discovered some bear tracks and deer tracks in the mud.(Mud is really an amazing thing, don’t you think?) We continued to hike down deeper until we were out of the creekbeds. We decided this would be a nice place to made sandwiches and have a picnic, only to discover that the turkey was frozen and we had forgotten the cheese! So we just ate bread and enjoyed the view for a while.
When we reached the top of the canyon, we scraped off our exhaused, muddy feet and got into the RV. We ate a good lunch of sandwiches (with unfrozen turkey!) and drove off to our next destination-Eufaula, Alabama!!!

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Providence Canyon

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Feb 9, 2011

On Monday, we went to Providence Canyon State Park in South Georgia. I had never been there before. We went there and hiked. First we packed lunch into my mom’s big backpack. We meant to pack cheese, meat, and bread. Ana carried our lunch on her back all the way down into the canyon.

Ana is carrying our lunch

On the way down to the canyon floor, me, Greta, and Stella all got our feet stuck in the mud. It was mushy.

Me and Greta touched something squishy in the mud and asked what it was. Dad told us it was animal poop. We yelled.

The canyon walls are sedimentary rock.

The canyon had a lot of sedimentary rock in it. I have been learning about that in Ms. Pitt’s class this year. I saw layers in the canyon walls. I saw how lots of sediment got hardened and turned into rock.

My favorite thing in the canyon was the purple sand. We had so much fun.

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We slept in a parking lot

Posted by Ana on Tuesday Feb 8, 2011

We travelled to a campsite but it was closed, so we looked for a Walmart on the way to where we were going and we found one and we slept there.  It was in Columbus, GA.  It was very hard to sleep because there were cars going by on the highway and lights were turned on all night in the parking lot.

We slept in a parking lot

My sisters got to see the deer, but I didn’t because I was in the back at the table in the RV.  My sister Stella told me they were just finished crossing the road.  She said there were a lot, probably fifteen or more deer.

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We saw a bunch of deer!

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Feb 8, 2011

My Drawing of the Deer Herd We Saw

We were driving from Atlanta to our first campsite, and we saw a herd of deer on the side of the road. There were at least ten all standing together.

It was late at night, so we couldn’t take a picture. So, I took a picture in my mind and drew it.

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Day 2: Does this even count as a baby step?

Posted by Van on Monday Feb 7, 2011

Well, we officially departed on Saturday, but only made it about twelve houses down the street.

Not very far down the road. You can see our driveway a few houses back.

We quickly realized that, after five days of rushing to pack up and clear our house of all our stuff so our renters could move in on Saturday, we had overpacked some things and completely forgotten others. So, we spent one last night in the neighborhood with some dear friends down the street. Sunday we got organized, said our goodbyes once again, and hit the road for the second time.

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Bon Voyage!

Posted by Van on Monday Feb 7, 2011

Finally! It took several full, full days to pack up the house and provision the ship, but we are ready to roll.


Loaded Up and Ready to Roll

It took three brains and way too long to figure out how to fit all six bikes on the back, but as of Saturday, February 5th, at 6:PM, we are ready for the open road.


The Open Road

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